The company has been created in 2008. Its main activity is currently focused on an immunotherapeutic product to treat and prevent the relapse of high grade gliomas, and more specifically of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), which is the most aggressive and deadly form of malignan brain cancer.
The process developed by the company could be extended to any other form of cancer (lung, pancreas, breast, etc.).

To date, the preclinical development phases are over. The product has been approved for human trial by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the USA for several compassionate uses that have been recognized as phase I by the FDA.

A phase II clinical trial is also in progress in the USA (the FDA has given his approval in July 2013). This is a double-blind study that aims to highlight the efficacy and the benefits of the product compared with a placebo.

Currently there is very big interest of University of Southern California and Harvard University. Both want to open a separate new section for the cancer treatment.

EUR 15,000,000 -EUR 20,000,000